Fix On Road Tire Service Technology
Trucks, tractor trailers, 18 wheelers, buses, rv’s, big rigs, freightliners and heavy haulers all need their tires to be inflated. Truck tire blowouts can be devastating. Tire service may be tough to come by if you find yourself stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. Tire service is available by visiting™or by calling us at 800-208-6364. Our directory of truck tire service specialists and emergency roadside assistance providers is filled with reliable truck services.
In order to limit the tire service that you need, there is an automatic inflation system that inflates your trailer tires while you drive. Tiremaxx Pro is an automatic tire inflation system that adjusts and monitors tire pressure continuously monitors. Tires are inflated and deflated based on changing road conditions. In addition, Tiremaxx Pro balances tire pressure at every wheel position. This is the first automatic tire inflation system of its kind that is capable of active tire deflation and balancing. It is expected to come out in early 2011.
The patented tire system works without electronics, transducers or pressure switches. Tire pressure is continuously monitored with regard to changes in temperature. The system draws from the tractor trailer air supply. This keeps truck tires properly inflated regardless of the temperature.
This system assists tires in achieving maximum tread life. It reduces friction between dual tires and makes tires last longer.
It will be interesting to see how effective Tiremaxx Pro is once it is released and put into use. In the meantime, be sure to contact™ by visiting us on the web or calling us at 800-208-6364. Our directory of truck tire service specialists and emergency roadside assistance is ready and waiting to help you get back on the road as soon as possible.
Tags: Big Rig tire service, Emergency road service, Emergency truck service, Fix on Road,, Freightliner tire service, Low Boy tire service, Mobile tire service, Reefer tire service, tire service, Tractor Trailer mobile road service, Tractor Trailer tire service, truck tire services